Shop Local Sarasota is a cooperative effort by Sarasota's independent business owners powered by Pelican Publications to bring the community's finest shops, restaurants, and services to you in one click!
Look for this symbol around town and spend your dollars locally.
Support your local economy and we all win!
Why Keep it Local?
Shop Local Sarasota
S ustain your community and its diversity by supporting one-of-a-kind small businesses.
A llow your patronage of local businesses to recycle your shopping dollars within the community.
R ely on local businesses to understand your needs, your tastes and your community.
A ffect the entire community because support for non-profits comes almost totally from local businesses.
S top out-of-town businesses from sending your money out of town.
O bserve that local business owners live in the community and live with the impact of their decisions.
T ake time to understand the impact that hundreds of locally owned businesses have on your community.
A ppreciate shopping where everyone knows your name.
Did you know....
Locally owned businesses generate 70% more local economic impact per square foot than chain stores. For every square foot of space occupied by a chain,
the local economic impact is $105, compared to $179 for every square foot occupied by an independent business. Local businesses contributed more to charity than national chains. Independent
businesses make purchases requiring less transportation and usually set-up shop in commercial corridors and in-town instead of developing on the fringe. This means less sprawl, congestion, habitat
loss and pollution.